Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kia Makes the Clean Cut on Top 50 Green Brand List

Kia Motors was named the 37th cleanest brand out there on Interbrand’s list of the 50 Best Global Green Brands 2013. This shows the growth of this Korean car company is not only design lead, but also by technology.

Interbrand assesses both market perception and environmental performance, so Kia's fuel economy claims definitely had an impact. The Korean brand sells a number of hybrid, EV, alternative fuel and turbocharged engines.

“In our view, the best green brands are those that are not only vital, relevant, powerful and pioneering, but also profitable, ethical and ecologically responsible. We applaud Kia Motors’ efforts aimed at sustainability in all facets of its global operations that have enabled the company to be named as one of our Best Global Green Brands 2013,” said Jez Frampton, Global CEO of Interbrand.

Tae-Hyun (Thomas) Oh, Executive Vice President and COO of Kia Motors Corporation, said, “Kia Motors continues to invest heavily in sustainable growth in environmental performance and corporate social responsibility around the globe. We strive to create safe, economical and environmentally-friendly vehicles in all our manufacturing facilities, and our business practices have been developed to match this focus on sustainability. Kia employees around the world work hard to ensure sound environmental performance in all aspects of the business, and we will continue to invest in encouraging sustainable mobility."

Source: Auto Evolution

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